The Juvenile Justice System is Eager to Provide Second Chances
It’s the question that every parent dreads: “My child committed a crime; what now?” In the event that your underage child does commit a crime, the first and best thing to do is contact an attorney who practices in juvenile court, such as Wilson C. Pasley PLC. Committing a crime at any age can create very serious, life-changing outcomes. Breaking the law as a minor can be more devastating to one’s future. In this blog, we’ll take a look at what steps parents and guardians can take to protect the rights of their children in the eyes of the law.
Getting Your Child Back on the Right Path
All crimes come with consequences. Juvenile charges such as underage drinking or DUI, shoplifting, or assault all have their own just, fair punishments under the law. When a juvenile does commit a crime, it can affect them for life. Having a criminal record at a young age can make it difficult for your child to attend college, receive scholarships, or even get a job. Getting your child back on the right path after they have committed a crime is of the utmost importance for any parent and the juvenile justice system. The main goal of the juvenile justice system is to “help young people avoid future delinquency and mature into law-abiding adults.” For more information and details about certain parts of the juvenile justice system, visit The Annie E. Casey Foundation.
Hiring an Experienced Lawyer to Represent Your Child is Key
As a skilled underage DUI and juvenile court lawyer, our firm helps young people get a second chance to learn from their mistakes. This can help them make positive changes rather than having those mistakes follow them for years to come. Working with the juvenile court system to get a more lenient punishment can be a difficult process. The attorneys at Wilson C. Pasley PLC want to protect your child’s future while showing them that a life of crime can lead to disaster. Call Wilson C. Pasley PLC, Attorney at Law, for a consultation of your child’s case.
For more information on juvenile crime representation, give Wilson C. Pasley PLC a call at (540) 266-1545. Like us on Facebook to stay up-to-date with the latest news and information. We are happy to discuss more information about what to do when you can unfortunately say, “My child committed a crime.”